Sunday, October 23, 2022


well the rooster one morning told me to come down from the bed I been sleeping on.

and I said hey rooster
you got some good advice
but honestly I'm thinkin'
I'd rather be dreamin'.

well mr human said rooster
don't you love your bed too much
it gonna swallow you whole
if you let it get to ya

well mr rooster
you're not wrong my friend
but I don't think I'm past the point
of no return and though it's
been ages since I joined ya
won't you let me sleep a little longer?

because the sunlight well
I think it shines too bright
for eyes so accustomed to the night
And I know it sound grim to
live in the dim but that's where
my dreams dwell and without them
I fear I'd be no more

so the rooster crowed to no one
and said humans are stubborn as oxen
who don't wanna pull carts no more
cause they got too heavy a load
but poor mr human
his weight comes from inside
and while his eyes are shut 
I sing to the morning daylight


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