Friday, August 22, 2008

The Sea's Pleasures

Walk cautiously along the sea of trouble
It’s full of soul eating monsters
And though I do know it appears mystical
“My friend, just stay here with me”

Such a courageous spirit my friend!
“This boat is tougher than you may think”
I trust he has ridden it all along the rivers
That pour themselves into the sea of disaster

“It is only your soul that suffers!
There are sirens and goblins there!
That come in when you're least aware
Laughing and mocking you to despair!”

“Nay” say he clumsily getting to his feet
And he raises his finger as to make a point
But out comes a sigh to a distant glance
“I ride the river to the sea of darkness”

Who am I ? I think to myself
To think I could alter the universe
“But here” I tell him
“Take this flashlight so that if it gets too dark
You may signal the others that you need help”

But it’s not much good –
Who listens to one another in the sea of black?
Each looking for his own way out
But the sirens never stop
And men can have such weak hearts

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